Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The Blessed Whore

Dragged to my knees Silhouettes visible through the strands of my hair Judged by the hypocrites Invitation to the devil's lair Soul impure Loathe endured A'gain I find myself impure Played with my bosom at night Stayed away in broad day light The mask of righteousness you wear Reveal your true ill self I dare My time I knew sss'about to end But wait, I see the man ahead His gaze below engrossed in scrawl I saw my Ray of hope befall With auth-o-rity he raised his voice The one who has not sinned - assault!! The stones that were .. raised to destroy Dropped to the ground Wiped out their ploy Soul impure Loathe endured No more sorrow.. I will endure !
-Deep Wilson